Hawaiian Healing Massage, Reflexology, Bodymind Acupressure, Energy Healing, Sound Therapy....
The Spirit of ALOHA is a way of life and well being embrace by native Hawaiians.
It is an inner knowledge, by birth, to be loving and genuine in all interactions between people and nature, for all life is connected. It is the spirit of love, tenderness and forgiveness.
There are many layers of wisdom behind this simple word. ‘Alo’ is; in the presence of, ha is; the breath of life, spirit within all creation. It is used both as a simple greeting and as a deep healing tool to chant and sing creating a space of love and goodness.
To the Hawaiians of old Aloha is God in us. It means ‘come forward, be in unity be in harmony with your real self, God and mankind. Be honest, be truthful, patient, kind to all forms of life, and humble’
Wisdom of ALOHA
‘Akahai’ meaning kindness, to be expressed with tenderness;
‘Lokahi’ meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony;
‘Okuolu’ meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness;
‘Haahaa’ meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty;
‘Ahonui’ meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance.