About me and my thoughts on healing…
I have studied around the world in multiple disciplines of healing, meditation, movement therapy, energy healing, shamanism and personal development. I am a musician and have produced two meditation cd's, one released in 2005, Reunited The Journey Home and the other is yet to be released titled Chakra Radiance.
My first book on resilience and overcoming trauma will be released later this year. I own and operate an amazing Retreat Centre and B&B on Galiano Island, I have an amazing husband and son who I love beyond anything. I am so happy and grateful for my life every moment, everyday.
It took awhile to get here though.
In my early twenties after a series of events that left me feeling broken inside and caused PTSD to deepen into my nervous system. Their had been childhood traumas upon which the current ones of that time built upon. My body and everything shut down. It was avery hard time and took everything I had to get me through it. Thankfully I had friends trained in various forms of healing who helped me. I received psycho- therapeutically oriented massages from my friends husband Peter, that opened my eyes to how bodywork can bring about inner emotional healing as well. Those sessions gave me my life back. It simply blew my mind how massaging an area of the body could open up memories and emotional energy that was stored as tension in the body. Peter would teach me afterwards as well. I had always had a natural gift for massage and healing since I was a little girl. His wife Brigitte did energy healing on me, taught me how to work with a pendulum, aromatherapy and mediation. They save my life for sure.
Since then my already insatiable appetite for learning about myself and life reached a whole new level. I still am just as enthused learning all aspects of healing from esoteric sciences to quantum physics, modern brain studies, trauma therapy approaches, meditation, energy healing, mystical and religious studies as when I began. There is sooo much to learn!
As Plato said, ‘an unexplored life is a wasted life’. Mine has definitely been, and is, an amazing explorative adventure!
I am fascinated at the body and mind's capacity to heal when it receives the ‘information’, support it needs. One important element that seems to be missed in most western medicine practices is that the body is pure intelligence and is always doing its best to bring itself back to homeostasis, balance. Having trained in Germany the difference is astounding to how the body is approached. Here, North America, the perception is that the body is this thing we have to deal with that makes us sick.
Basically “it’s” the problem and somehow we have nothing to do with it, so we beat it into shape, harm it with harsh chemicals and surgeries, treating it like a misbehaving child. ‘Look what my body is doing to me!’ Western medicine is great for emergencies but for preventative care and educating people on how to take care of their body it is inefficient. I know several doctors that have gained the expanded view that totally agree.
In Germany it’s the opposite. The question that is asked is ‘ what am I doing to my body that it is having this reaction and getting my attention through this dis-ease so I can take care of it.’ There is accountability for everything we put into our body, be it thoughts, food, the environment we are in etc.,that are recognized as the key factors to dis-ease. The modern science of Epigenetics has proven that there is really only a 3% chance of a genetically predisposed illness being activated; debunking the myth we have believed for too long that we are the victims of our genetic code. For more info on that subject, look up the book ‘Genie in your Genes’. Other recent studies prove the impact negative, hurtful or aggressive thinking or encounters has on the immune system, you can look up the book
‘Biology of Belief’ for reference to the studies.
When I moved back to Canada after living in Europe for ten and a half years, it was shocking to me to see how medicine is done here compared to Germany and Europe in general. Over there every natural option is exhausted before bringing on the ‘hard guns’. When you walk into a pharmacy there you see beautiful pictures of mountains and meadows, and on the shelves are only natural remedies, the pharmaceuticals are in the back, in generic boxes, in the cupboard. You don’t know the existence of a medicine unless the doctor prescribes it for you. They do not advertise illnesses, which subliminally preys on people’s fears and desires for a healthier life.
My passion in life is to offer my best to empower people to reclaim their lives from every kind of victimization to be able to flourish and have a healthy and joyful life, be it through nutritional guidance, counseling, massage or energy healing. It all works.
Since the body is always looking to heal and balance itself it makes more sense to do what we can to support that process, work with the body intelligence rather than suppress and harm it through less enlightened approaches. Gaining deeper understanding of how the body works, how it is directly linked to and affected by mind and emotions and the importance of ‘spirituality’ in the harmonizing process creates a clear path to empowerment and healing.
I balance the spiritual elements of living with a scientific and practical common sense approach. Both are vital aspects of exploration needed to gain a healthy sense and understanding of self and reality in general.
I have been practicing and learning various forms of Holistic Healing for 25 years now. I have also received the honour of being initiated and ordained by Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim and Kumu Sila Bray-Jim as Kumu and Kahu, teacher and healer, granting me permission and authority to teach and heal with Hawaiian Cultural Traditions. My other trainings include Body Talk, Rebalancing, Deep Tissue Massage, Relaxation Massage, Chair Massage, Aromatherapy, Traeger Joint Release, Reflexology, Jin Shin Do, Hot Stone Massage, Shamanism, Ear Candling, Movement Therapy, HeartMath Life Coaching, Spiritual Response Therapy, Spiritual Restructuring and meditation.
I love life and all that I do, and I absolutely love sharing it!
I am committed to share what I can to help where I can. !0% of what I earn goes towards helping those who come to me with financial difficulties. Sometimes I don't charge anything at all. That is one of my ways of giving back for all the grace and help I have received.
I have studied around the world in multiple disciplines of healing, meditation, movement therapy, energy healing, shamanism and personal development. I am a musician and have produced two meditation cd's, one released in 2005, Reunited The Journey Home and the other is yet to be released titled Chakra Radiance.
My first book on resilience and overcoming trauma will be released later this year. I own and operate an amazing Retreat Centre and B&B on Galiano Island, I have an amazing husband and son who I love beyond anything. I am so happy and grateful for my life every moment, everyday.
It took awhile to get here though.
In my early twenties after a series of events that left me feeling broken inside and caused PTSD to deepen into my nervous system. Their had been childhood traumas upon which the current ones of that time built upon. My body and everything shut down. It was avery hard time and took everything I had to get me through it. Thankfully I had friends trained in various forms of healing who helped me. I received psycho- therapeutically oriented massages from my friends husband Peter, that opened my eyes to how bodywork can bring about inner emotional healing as well. Those sessions gave me my life back. It simply blew my mind how massaging an area of the body could open up memories and emotional energy that was stored as tension in the body. Peter would teach me afterwards as well. I had always had a natural gift for massage and healing since I was a little girl. His wife Brigitte did energy healing on me, taught me how to work with a pendulum, aromatherapy and mediation. They save my life for sure.
Since then my already insatiable appetite for learning about myself and life reached a whole new level. I still am just as enthused learning all aspects of healing from esoteric sciences to quantum physics, modern brain studies, trauma therapy approaches, meditation, energy healing, mystical and religious studies as when I began. There is sooo much to learn!
As Plato said, ‘an unexplored life is a wasted life’. Mine has definitely been, and is, an amazing explorative adventure!
I am fascinated at the body and mind's capacity to heal when it receives the ‘information’, support it needs. One important element that seems to be missed in most western medicine practices is that the body is pure intelligence and is always doing its best to bring itself back to homeostasis, balance. Having trained in Germany the difference is astounding to how the body is approached. Here, North America, the perception is that the body is this thing we have to deal with that makes us sick.
Basically “it’s” the problem and somehow we have nothing to do with it, so we beat it into shape, harm it with harsh chemicals and surgeries, treating it like a misbehaving child. ‘Look what my body is doing to me!’ Western medicine is great for emergencies but for preventative care and educating people on how to take care of their body it is inefficient. I know several doctors that have gained the expanded view that totally agree.
In Germany it’s the opposite. The question that is asked is ‘ what am I doing to my body that it is having this reaction and getting my attention through this dis-ease so I can take care of it.’ There is accountability for everything we put into our body, be it thoughts, food, the environment we are in etc.,that are recognized as the key factors to dis-ease. The modern science of Epigenetics has proven that there is really only a 3% chance of a genetically predisposed illness being activated; debunking the myth we have believed for too long that we are the victims of our genetic code. For more info on that subject, look up the book ‘Genie in your Genes’. Other recent studies prove the impact negative, hurtful or aggressive thinking or encounters has on the immune system, you can look up the book
‘Biology of Belief’ for reference to the studies.
When I moved back to Canada after living in Europe for ten and a half years, it was shocking to me to see how medicine is done here compared to Germany and Europe in general. Over there every natural option is exhausted before bringing on the ‘hard guns’. When you walk into a pharmacy there you see beautiful pictures of mountains and meadows, and on the shelves are only natural remedies, the pharmaceuticals are in the back, in generic boxes, in the cupboard. You don’t know the existence of a medicine unless the doctor prescribes it for you. They do not advertise illnesses, which subliminally preys on people’s fears and desires for a healthier life.
My passion in life is to offer my best to empower people to reclaim their lives from every kind of victimization to be able to flourish and have a healthy and joyful life, be it through nutritional guidance, counseling, massage or energy healing. It all works.
Since the body is always looking to heal and balance itself it makes more sense to do what we can to support that process, work with the body intelligence rather than suppress and harm it through less enlightened approaches. Gaining deeper understanding of how the body works, how it is directly linked to and affected by mind and emotions and the importance of ‘spirituality’ in the harmonizing process creates a clear path to empowerment and healing.
I balance the spiritual elements of living with a scientific and practical common sense approach. Both are vital aspects of exploration needed to gain a healthy sense and understanding of self and reality in general.
I have been practicing and learning various forms of Holistic Healing for 25 years now. I have also received the honour of being initiated and ordained by Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim and Kumu Sila Bray-Jim as Kumu and Kahu, teacher and healer, granting me permission and authority to teach and heal with Hawaiian Cultural Traditions. My other trainings include Body Talk, Rebalancing, Deep Tissue Massage, Relaxation Massage, Chair Massage, Aromatherapy, Traeger Joint Release, Reflexology, Jin Shin Do, Hot Stone Massage, Shamanism, Ear Candling, Movement Therapy, HeartMath Life Coaching, Spiritual Response Therapy, Spiritual Restructuring and meditation.
I love life and all that I do, and I absolutely love sharing it!
I am committed to share what I can to help where I can. !0% of what I earn goes towards helping those who come to me with financial difficulties. Sometimes I don't charge anything at all. That is one of my ways of giving back for all the grace and help I have received.