Ho'oponopono Life Coaching and HeartMath Living in boundless love and joy is a possibility and a choice we can make every moment to live our life wildly vibrant and creative beyond measure. This does not mean we no longer have challenges, it means we go deeper than the surface appearance of things and choose to meet and utilize those challenges as opportunities to create more joy and love through becoming more self aware and conscious individuals. We can become inner alchemists, transmuting and transforming the crude raw elements of experience to the refined radiance of wisdom. "The ore in the fire feels itself unfairly treated, but the pure gold looking back knows better!" The teachings of Hawaii and the techniques of HeartMath are very powerful in enabling rapid shifts in consciousness and healing on all levels. The complete HeartMath process requires 4 sessions to teach you all the techniques. I always integrate a bit of the Hawaiian Teachings in HeartMath Sessions. They compliment eachother magnificently! The Ho'oponopono Counselling focuses on the Hawaiian Teachings and Principles only. Both practices will engage your beliefs and survival mechanisms that sabotage and keep you from living your full potential, and teach you how to shift and transform habits that keep you stuck in the same repetitive cycles. We will gently crack and open the shell that locks you into patterns that don't serve your higher expression of yourself. This will gradually bring you to a state of Kauna, Hawaiian word for congruency, where all of you is in alignment. What you say, think, feel and do are in total alignment. That is where true happiness comes from. When we are Kauna, life becomes effortless in that we are able to flow and navigate rather than fight and resist, that is when deep healing can happen. The word healing means to restore to original wholeness and integrity. All the modalities I offer are for that purpose, to help bring you back into harmonious alignment with the world around you and within. We are all genetically wired to thrive, that is the nature of nature. I love using the metaphor of an inner garden for nature is our truest reflection of who and what we are. If we are not thriving then its clear there are elements of some kind polluting our inner garden. Like when we eat junk food and are physically weakened, whatever is polluting our heart and mind, negative thoughts or memories for example, weakens us and leaves us feeling futile to use what we do know to create change. This then opens the door to depression and deep despair and we enter what feels like an endless loop of disappointment, pain and sadness. It is possible however to get out of that loop. It just takes constant effort and willingness to heal and grow. In this work we will till your inner fields, balance your PH, bringing you back into an alkaline state, literally and metaphorically, so that your original blueprint for thriving is activated and strengthened. You will be given the tools you need to maintain and continually enhance your inner garden so you can bloom in total beauty and joy beyond your wildest dreams. Its pure physics, it's the law of nature. What I share with you will change your life when you apply yourself and use it. When we realize and understand that without the catalyst of 'life challenges', that we tend to call problems,there would be no evolution, no creativity, that we would never come truly alive, is when we take a leap from feeling like a victim of circumstance to moving towards mastering and creating our lives instead. One of the biggest misinformed ideas we have inherited in the western world, that, generally makes our lives miserable, is the idea that life should always come easy, like being on vacation for our whole life, and if its not, that it means we are doing something wrong. Another one is the belief that depression, sadness, anger and frustration aren't natural and necessary emotions. They are. They are indicators if we are living congruent with our joy, passion and purpose or not. Those states help us to know ourselves, those emotional states are there to motivate us to grow and expand who we are, beyond where we are. The belief that its not natural creates a split in us, where we exile the 'undesirable' feelings, which then causes us to suppress and deny vital elements of our human experience and existence. Even in nature there is chaos and conflict which precedes new growth and evolution. We are nature. It is our disconnect from that fact that has alienated us from the deeper governing laws of the universe that, once we know them, can be a source of refuge and great strength and insight into how to navigate the ever changing tides of our lives with greater ease rather than strife. So, if you are at that stage where you know you have the power within you, but need some support and tools to help you, and you are ready to eradicate feelings of being a victim or feeling at the mercy to the states that immobilize you, then this work will serve you well. I am here to empower your sovereignty and your confidence in claiming your personal authority in your life to create the life you long to live. There is nothing more I love to do and experience than sharing what I have to share and watching the lights go on and seeing the caterpillar turn to the butterfly and watching you take off in flight. Your are the power. Learn to access and use it, and you will be amazed! The Results You Can Count On Being an incredibly independent person myself, I am committed to give you the tools and support you want in order to take hold and be the captain of your ship/life. Though I will always welcome continued work if that is what you want after the initial sessions, this work is designed so that you are not tethered to the idea of needing someone outside yourself to help. We always need new flows of thought and engagement to bring us to the next level, that is what a coach/healer offers, but it is vitally important to not create a dependency on the coach or healer. This is all about you becoming self reliant and sovereign. You will acquire the tools and abilities you need to: -practice HeartMath Techniques to create a new baseline in your nervous system so you can navigate stress with greater ease - rise out of the crippling effects of depression and anxiety -harness the power of the paradox, be freed from the tyranny of duality -resolve and clear conflict within and without yourself effectively and easily -be totally empowered in your life and what you choose to create -create and live in boundless joy and love -gain self mastery over your mind and emotions -release the weight of old grief and pain, creating space for more love and grace to flow effortlessly -restore your innate harmonious relationship to yourself, life and nature We can do sessions in person over the phone or with Zoom. Feel free to contact me for more information. Wishing you Beauty, Love and Grace to lead you on! I look forward to connecting. |